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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Culture and Entertainment this week-end

Folks are always saying there is nothing to do in Hickory, well it cannot be said for this week-end. The first event is "2 Dudes and a Diva" comedy tour featuring comedians "Bruh Man" (TV sitcoms Martin & Bernie Mac Show), Barbara Carlyle and Ttavis "Dirty Earl" Howze (of BET Comic View) and hosted by Hickory's very own Henry Henry. It will take place at the Arts and Science Auditorium this Friday Aug. 6th. Tickets are $15 advance, $20 at door; there are also VIP tickets at $25.
Call 828-322-3729 for more information.
The other event will take place at the Hickory Community Theatre.
"Be There Once More"
Unifour OneStop Collaborative (a non-profit organization) is sponsoring the Ridgeview Revue

Bringing Back The Talent To You! Visual and performing artists from Hickory and surrounding areas will be performing in the Ridgeview Revue on August 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hickory Community Theatre located at 30 3rd Street, NW (Downtown) Hickory, NC.
As a follow-up from the 2009 Revue, special guest artists produced in the Hickory area will perform at this gala attraction.
Local Comedian Al Henry will be the Master of Ceremonies.

The donation for this affair is $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. Tickets can be purchased from the Hickory Cultural Enhancement Committee, the Ridgeview Public Library and the Hickory Community Theatre.

Main Attraction for the evening will be the "Multi-Talented" Mrs. Lucy Harold of of Hickory, NC

For more information please call 828-322-8555

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A "Post-Racial Society" - Really??

Well August is upon us and it is still very hot!!Don't know about you but it seems that months are going by faster. My children tell that it is due to aging...we will leave that alone.

Also, lets not forget the youth nation we have behind bars. Whatever belief system you operate under has a provision to help the helpless. If we have not realized it yet; our youth particularly young black men have been systematically, yes I said systematically, disenfranchised. Study the two political cartoons for some discussion. So many have gone to prison I bet the Statue of Liberty does look like that to some of our youth. If you know someone in prison for a non-violent crime, which most are, we have to work hard to get them back.

The title for this post came from my Academy visit today(thanks Bro. Johnny Scott) this video from the "Rachel Maddow Show". Yes, the show has a "liberal" slant to it but after watching the video I believe it has a truth slant as well.
What I like about this video it's shown from historical context..oh will see. Let me know what you think at .

Just click on this .Read down a little bit and click on the video

Peace out!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Problem in our Community & Young People - Snitching!!

I am not going to get on a soapbox but, :) I do have something to say about this subject. It is plaguing our young people especially in the Black community. Before we start blaming all the Hip-Hop artists in the world (because they are young) let's examine a couple of things.
First, weren't we taught early on in life not to be a "tattle tale", or to "tell on somebody" and if you bugged your parents too much by "tellin" on someone all the time you were told to stop. Well, how does that square with telling the TRUTH no matter what! I propose that early on in life we were sort of conditioned not to tell what we saw or knew.
Second, we were taught to "stay out of other peoples business" because it can "get you into trouble".
Last but not least is the relationship black communities have with Police Departments. There is a really negative relationship in large urban areas. My purpose in this post is not to discuss the Police but to give background to a problem that plaques our communities today. I will say that all my positive experiences with police, and yes I said positive, were with black men who were on the police force. Another topic, another time, stay focused.
How many of us know where the origin is for what we call "snitching" today? Actually the expression was used in the 18th and 19th centuries and means "one who informs". Today, it has its root or beginning in law enforcement, particularly the so-called "war on drugs" with the use of informants. Very often informing on associates is a way to get a sentence reduced, and if you do not "play ball" (snitching) with the authorities you will receive the maximum sentence.
Since we know some of the main origins, why are so many of our young people influenced by this. In 2004 a group of young men in Baltimore, Md released a hour and a half 'Stop Snitching" underground DVD that even had Carmelo Anthony of the NBA in it. The DVD took the nation like a storm and pretty soon t-shirts and hip-hop artists took it up. Today the young man and the group who produced the DVD have all been arrested on Federal charges and serving long sentences. For many of them like Cam'ron and T.I. it was to simply a way to sell records.

This seems like it would be a simple problem to fix, but murders have resulted in telling the TRUTH, young people are frightened of what could happen for telling the TRUTH.
Like so many things in our culture (baggy pants and clothing, tattos,etc.) the prisons of this land are shaping the cultural landscape of our communities. Our youth need to know that WE WILL PROTECT THEM if they simply tell the truth. It cannot be "lip-profession", it must be the TRUTH.

What do you think? Peace and blessings

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hot Fun in the Summer Time!!

How many remember this Sly Stone hit! If you are not convinced of global warming...I do not know what it will take to convince you but 22 plus days of above 95 should help.
There is a good e-book I recommend to people who do not want the science speak explanation, just go to the search engine you use(Google, Yahoo, etc.) and type in "The Discovery of Global Warming"; a book will be listed to buy but look for a pdf. file that can be downloaded.
There is also biblical and quranic references to this type of climate and weather in the "last days". Remember in this weather you need copious amounts of GOOD H2O!! I will do a post on water at a later time.
Anyway, have a great day, listen to a little bit of Sly and stay cool!!
Peace and blessings!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Why don't we talk about Economics?

Interesting question wouldn't you say. I called this blog "Ujima" (3rd principle of Nguzo Saba(Seven Principals of Kwanzza) meaning "Collective Work and Responsiblity". I have included a picture of the "Ukama" (meaning family) in this because the family is the basic economic unit in the "hood". It stands in the front of the Ridgeview Library as a reminder of that in my opinion.

It seems we have persons nationally that we can name off the top of our heads in the fields of education, sports, politics, religion, social justice but economics...who??? Could it be that is area we are to be kept in literal darkness? Can we keep depending on "getting a job" when there aren't any for the majority in the country, what is left for the minorities?

I think we need a serious discussion about economics or putting it another way, getting out of debt and saving money. There is a serious difference between getting rich and building wealth. Do not get me wrong, I have made the same mistakes economically many have made, but I thank Allah(God) I have been able to access information that will help me "overcome debt".

New Cars. bling-bling, rent to own, pawn shops and the LOTTERY feed off of people who do not have much. I will give details a little later.

Start thinking about GETTING OUT OD DEBT AND SAVING MONEY!! Thanks

More Pictures!!

The reason Mr. Hunt's vision, beautiful young people of the Midnight Basketball League!!

The Founder and his Brother (L-R, Forrest Hunt & Steve Hunt, Board member)

Wonderful Sign showing Mr. Hunt's vision!!

The pictures above are from the time I spent at the invitation of Mr. Hunt during the last day of tht Midnight Basketball League. I was given the responsiblity of speaking to the youth gathered above. They were courteous and very well behaved. Just a reminder that we will not lose all of our young people!! Peace and Blessings!!

The Third Time is a Charm!!

Margaret Pope with books By Dr. Kunjufu!!
Rev. James Smith & Mr. Allen Mitchell, Sr. (Father of Mario Mitchell who the Academy is named after)

Dr. Junjufu in consultation

I tried to restart this blog two previous times, in case you run into "Hickory Ujima News" blog this is the updated blog that replaces it and will be where you can find the information you are looking for.
I am going to get right to it with some images over the last couple of weeks. We had the "Young Men of Integrity" Block Party, the opening of the Mario Mitchell Summer and Saturday Academy and Clinton Tablernale AME Zion kicking 0ff with workshop conducted by world-renowned educator and author Jawanza Kunjufu; and finally the last day of the "Forrest Hunt Midnight Basketball Camp".

I am starting this blog because many activities and events that are positive in nature do not make it to our local daily papers; rather than complain about it we must do for ourselves and not be compaliners. Enjoy, join on as a follower and submit information to and thanks!!