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Sunday, August 1, 2010

A "Post-Racial Society" - Really??

Well August is upon us and it is still very hot!!Don't know about you but it seems that months are going by faster. My children tell that it is due to aging...we will leave that alone.

Also, lets not forget the youth nation we have behind bars. Whatever belief system you operate under has a provision to help the helpless. If we have not realized it yet; our youth particularly young black men have been systematically, yes I said systematically, disenfranchised. Study the two political cartoons for some discussion. So many have gone to prison I bet the Statue of Liberty does look like that to some of our youth. If you know someone in prison for a non-violent crime, which most are, we have to work hard to get them back.

The title for this post came from my Academy visit today(thanks Bro. Johnny Scott) this video from the "Rachel Maddow Show". Yes, the show has a "liberal" slant to it but after watching the video I believe it has a truth slant as well.
What I like about this video it's shown from historical context..oh will see. Let me know what you think at .

Just click on this .Read down a little bit and click on the video

Peace out!!

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